A quaint little Portuguese cottage, tucked between massive boulders in the countryside, has caused quite a stir ever since photos of the Stone House, or Casa do Penedo started circulating online. The cottage looked so unreal that many people thought it was just a Photoshop trick.

Skeptics had good reasons to question the Stone House’s authenticity. Most photos of it were shot from just two angles and appeared heavily edited, sparking heated debates online. People on both sides passionately argued their points, trying to convince others.
The matter was eventually resolved thanks to a Portuguese TV special and an article in the Daily Mail. While the photographer had taken some artistic liberties, it was confirmed that the house in the Fafe countryside is indeed real. It even featured in the Portuguese film “Moon.”

Tucked between two massive boulders in the beautiful Portuguese countryside, the Stone House is a true marvel. Inspired by the Flintstones, its design boasts a simple and sparse interior that makes a bold architectural statement. In a time when anything can be digitally created, Casa do Penedo serves as a reminder that real-world wonders still exist beyond the realm of Photoshop.

The property is now surrounded by a 1.5-meter-high wire and barbed wire fence. The front yard is overgrown with bracken, adding to its rustic charm. There’s also a small building with a swimming pool that’s worth checking out.