Kronborg Castle, an imposing fortress north of Copenhagen, is steeped in history and legend. Its robust fortifications, softened by graceful copper-roofed pinnacles, have seen the castle serve as a royal residence, a garrison, a prison, and now, a museum. However, Kronborg’s renown largely stems from its association with two legendary figures.
Hans Christian Andersen immortalized one of these figures in his tale Holger the Dane, describing the mythical warrior as slumbering in the castle’s depths, dreaming of Denmark and ready to rise in its time of need. The other connection is more literary—Kronborg Castle is celebrated worldwide as the setting for Shakespeare’s Hamlet, bringing its historical grandeur to life through the Bard’s tragic prince.

Kronborg Castle holds a unique place in both literature and legend, drawing visitors from around the world to the town of Helsingør. Known in Shakespeare’s Hamlet as Elsinore, this majestic stronghold is forever linked with the tragic Prince of Denmark. While Shakespeare’s “Elsinore” technically refers to the town below, the castle itself has become synonymous with the setting of the famous play.
The other legendary figure tied to Kronborg is Holger the Dane, one of Charlemagne’s twelve Paladins. According to Danish folklore, Holger lies asleep beneath the castle, destined to awaken and defend Denmark in its hour of greatest peril.
With its storied past and connection to enduring tales, Kronborg Castle still captures the essence of Shakespeare’s Elsinore, enchanting visitors with its timeless grandeur.