Yes, I’m familiar with the historic Oscar Mayer mansion in Evanston, Illinois. It has quite a rich history, serving as the residence of Oscar Mayer Sr. for several decades. However, for over ten years, it remained vacant and neglected, falling into disrepair. Photographs taken by VHT’s Petr Poliak depicted the mansion’s dilapidated state, with holes in the roof and vines engulfing its walls, presenting a rather dismal sight.

Despite its rundown state, real estate attorney Scott Hargadon and his partner Jim Kastenholz recognized the potential of the property. They made the bold decision to purchase it in June 2015 and immediately began the renovation process.
Hargadon recalls the underwhelming first impression the mansion gave. However, upon closer examination, they were delighted to discover that many of its original features still exuded charm. The woodwork, hardwood floors, and light fixtures all maintained their vintage appeal, transporting them back in time.
Take a look at how the property appeared prior to the renovations:

In an article on, Hargadon conveyed, “Essentially, this house will be transformed into a modern 2016 home while preserving the historic exterior of its 1901 origins.” The renovation endeavor entailed modernizing the plumbing, electrical systems, foundation, and roof while retaining the historic charm of the exterior. Special care was taken to repair the ornate art glass windows.
As the renovations progressed, VHT photographer Petr Poliak returned to the property to document the updated transformation through new images.
Here’s a glimpse of the home in the midst of its renovation process:

Following the renovations, Hargadon and his business partner listed the 7,400-square-foot mansion for sale in May 2016, seeking $2.95 million. Originally projected to be completed by August, the property remained unsold for two years. Eventually, in July 2018, it was sold, though at a reduced price of $1.73 million.