Nestled next to the road to Lazzaretto and hidden by a thick canopy of trees and dense vegetation is the forgotten Bagno della Polizia. This abandoned complex, once alive with activity, featured an Olympic-sized pool, smaller children’s pools, and locker rooms. Now, these pools have been deserted for over two decades, a ghostly shadow of their former glory.

Bagno della Polizia was once a lively spot where hundreds of people gathered to enjoy the water and sunshine. The Olympic-sized pool was a major draw, offering ample space for swimming and leisure. The smaller pools provided a safe and fun environment for children, making it a family-friendly destination. Locker rooms added to the convenience, ensuring guests had everything they needed for a pleasant day out.

Over the years, nature has taken over, with the dense undergrowth and trees enveloping the Bagno della Polizia. The area now serves as a poignant reminder of the past, with the remains of the pools hidden away from sight, covered by the embrace of nature.

Know Before You Go

If you plan to explore this hidden gem, please note that entering the abandoned pool area is illegal and it is well-sealed. Any entry is at your own risk.

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